Fine Arts Boosters
Help Wanted!
Our school district has many talented students in the arts - whether it's a Kindergarten student bringing home that picture you put on your refrigerator, a high school student in a school play, or possibly a 5th grader just learning to play a musical instrument. Parents and community members can make a difference for these students. The Fine Arts Boosters plays a vital role in supporting our fine arts programs.
If you have a child in K-12 involved in Art, Music, Speech, Debate, Drama or Band, you are automatically a member of the Fine Arts Boosters.
Please plan on attending a Boosters meeting and help us discuss some ideas on a fund raiser and a showcase of the talents of the students involved in the Fine Arts!
Support SEW Fine Arts programs by joining SEW Fine Arts Boosters!
SEW Fine Arts Boosters support K-12 fine arts programs such as Art, Music (vocal and instrumental), Speech team, Drama, and Flag team.Our primary fundraiser is the annual Fine Arts Night, a showcase of our students, faculty, and local community’s creative talent.
Many of the ways we provide support are items that are not in the school budget or have been cut from the budget, such as:
- Art supplies and a custom built display case
- Lapel microphones for actors in school musicals and plays
- Bus transportation for various groups to attend special performances and workshops at the Civic Center in Des Moines
- Paid accompanists for school musicals
- Repair and purchase of new and used band instruments
- Helped fund Opera Iowa performances at SEW grade schools
- Cleaned choir robes and stoles
- Cash donations to each area for use to purchase music/supplies
- Treats for intermission at musical and drama performances
We need new members and your support to continue supporting our talented students!
We are inviting all parents and community members to become members and proud supporters of our talented fine arts students!